Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Do you remember how I said before that I really don't understand people shopping in foreign countries and stuff? Well, I'm going to have to eat my words. Yes, it's true; while I was in Norwich, I went shopping. I couldn't help myself. The castle wasn't open yet, but all the stores and shops and market were, and I started wandering.

And I found an utterly perfect hat.

Do you remember those hats that different people wore to the wedding last summer, the one where William married Catherine? Yes, those hats? Remember seeing all the pictures and commentary about how creative and stylish those hats were?

When you look at pictures from that, they all tell who designed the hat and the dress and so on (I just looked at those pictures, so I'm in the know). Well, I'm sad to say that I don't know who the designer of my new hat is, but I think the person deserves a big "hurrah!"

I also think that if any of the women at the royal wedding had worn MY new hat, she would have stolen the show completely! All eyes would have been on her the whole time. And she would have warmed things up considerably. Not only is my new hat stylish, but it's also supremely practical. Okay, maybe not supremely, but at least a tiny bit, which is more than I can say for the royal wedding hats!

Isn't it GREAT! I love the smile! It's so very me!