Mine's doing pretty well in late flowers right now. Here's the last of the daisies. In the next week or so, I expect to cut these back and dig some up to transplant to different areas of the yard.

I have a bunch of different sorts of sedum or stonecrops. And the big ones are flowering now. There are several different colors blooming now, little tiny flowers in big clumps nearly the size of my fist.

Here's another sedum.

I have a shade area under my deck where during the early summer, my bleeding heart flowers. Right now, there's a really fragrant astilbe (I think). This is the first year it's really getting much in the way of flowers, so I'm hoping it will keep growing and have even more next year.

And finally, the hawthorne berries are bright against the fall sky! In mid summer, this has small pink flowers. And now berries. I don't know if the birds are eating them; I haven't been home much during the day to notice.

Here's a worrisome one, though. These are some bulbs that seem a bit confused. I'm hoping they'll survive the winter even though they're acting surprisingly springlike right now. (I'm pretty sure these are some of the hyacinths I put in last fall and had pictures of here earlier in the spring.)
The bulbs may be grape hyacinths -- the leaves come up in the fall. (One way of knowing where you have planted big bulbs like daffodils and tulips is to plant grape hyacinths on top -- then in the fall you can see where the daffs are. you plant at different heights, and they are on different bloom schedules...)
ReplyDeleteI have never had much luck with astilbe, but it's very pretty. And the hawthorne berries are lovely.