Monday, December 24, 2007

The Best Part

I'm not much into Christmas, until... we just finished putting out the stuff from Santa. Traditionally now, I write Santa's note and get a bite of one of the cookies. It's fun to write the notes, answering the questions and stuff, being a little silly.

Tonight, one of the kids wrote a short note, wanting his gifts left hidden with clues. So hidden with clues it is. Only his stocking is at the fireplace, and in it, along with the stuffers, is a note from Santa with clues. I can't wait to see his face in the morning!

In my childhood, Santa always wrapped gifts in a special paper, and didn't label anything. Things were clustered with our stocking, which has our name on it. My best present ever came in an oatmeal container, one of those cylindrical cardboard containers, covered with the wrapping paper. Inside, was a wooden jigsaw puzzle, which I had to put together to read the note, a letter from Santa, which told me that I was getting riding lessons. My Mom made the puzzle after figuring out what present I would most want in the world (well, after my very own horse). It was amazingly creative, and perfect for a kid who loved puzzles and horses.

So, whatever your traditions this holiday season, I wish you happiness, safe travels, and a wonderful new year.

1 comment:

  1. That puzzle sounds like a great way to give a Christmas gift!
