Monday, June 08, 2009

Bardiac's Yellowstone Adventure, part 1

Yes, this is me, riding my bike, up a hill, very, very slowly. And, yes, the road is wet, and I'm in my rain gear, including a shower cap on my helmet, given to me by another very kind and encouraging rider with lots more experience. And yes, my feet are totally wet and cold.

And yes, I had the best time ever.

I was, by far, the slowest rider on the trip, but it was okay. The guides were fantastic and encouraging, and after the hardest climb, two of the other riders were at the gathering point cheering me up the hill.

How high was the hill, you ask?
This is the first crossing we made of the continental divide that day. The second is higher.

We climbed 3000+ feet that day, over 17 miles, and dropped 2000+ feet over another 17. It was my hardest day riding, but I was so happy I actually made it!

Critter pics soon!


  1. I was wondering how your trip was--so glad to see you smiling at the top.

  2. I bet your legs are sore! I envy you; it sounds like a wonderful trip. And now I know the shower cap trick.

  3. That looks awesome! Way to go!

  4. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Awesome accomplishment.

  5. Cool! And I love taking photos next to signs of prominent geographical Park Service landmarks.

  6. Love the pic of you on your bike - you go, girl!

  7. Congratulations on making it! We knew you would...

  8. Many many congrats on your success - way to go!

  9. Absolutely! You go! :) Sounds like you were awesome! And it sounds like the trip was awesome!

  10. I'm so glad your trip went well!


  11. How cool is that! I'm glad your trip was such a success!

  12. wow! that sounds really hard, but also like the group was lovely -- and how cool is it to bike across the continental divide?

  13. Anonymous10:02 AM


  14. Very glad you had a good time!
