Thursday, July 08, 2010

Not Half Bad

I got some of my momentum back yesterday.

I did most of the stuff on my list except finishing Freire. Instead, I realized that the Tour is on, so I watched that a bit. I also got my hair cut and went for a ride with the Wednesday group (18+ miles).

Here's today's boring list:

1. Donate blood.
2. Read Freire. (Don't want to cause problems for poor Oscar Freire!)
3. Clean up home office a bit.
4. Have lunch with a friend.
5. Do a load of wash.
6. Clean guest bathroom.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to commend you for donating blood. I have done this in the past, and it always makes me totally freak out. I guess I have psychological issues about it. Even when I don't watch it come out, I can't bear it. So I had to stop. Thankfully, I'm not some rare blood type that is always in high demand. But still -- it makes me feel bad that I have such a mental block about it because it's an easy thing to donate and always is for a good cause. :-/
