Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The NEXT draft of the REALLY dead women writers meme

Hello again, everyone!

Wow, the REALLY dead women writers meme took off beyond my wildest dreams.

I’m posting here the second draft of the meme, along with a list of contributors. I KNOW I’ve made mistakes, and would greatly appreciate suggestions for improvement or further additions to the list. If I mistakenly didn’t list you as a contributor and you’d like to be listed, please let me know, and let me know the url of your meme post(s) if you have posted on your own blog.

I tried checking contributors who emailed me or posted in the comments here, as well as those who posted in comments to other responses to suggestions, but I’m bound to have missed some. If I just found your suggestions in the comments on another meme, but couldn’t find a separate meme post on your URL, I put a ? after your name. Where I found them, I’ve linked URLs for the meme responses I saw.

A GREAT benefit for me is that I’ve learned of some new blogs!

I’m also sure that I’ve messed up names of authors, or missed adding a specific work suggested, or whatever. And I admit up front that I’m rather alphabetically challenged, so please point out areas needing correction. (Am I the only person who thought “elemeno” was a single letter when I learned the alphabet?) Some are last name first, some first name first. I'll be slowly working on getting those in place: which do we prefer? And people like Julian of Norwich are listed as Julian, because that's the best I can think of.

I lost ALL the html coding and connections linking works. GRRRRR!

If an author is listed without a work, and you can suggest a specific work, please do!

I also added Anne Clifford's "Diary" because, really, no one else did, and it made me SAD!

Here goes:

The NEXT DRAFT of the REALLY dead women writers meme!

Contributors, with my grateful thanks. Once again, special thanks to Mon for coming up with the idea of a women writers meme and being gracious when I made one for REALLY dead women writers.

And Gladly Wolde (S)he lerne (History Geek)


Bitch PhD

The Blog that Ate Manhattan (tbtam)

Dr. Crazy - ?

J. Dryden - ?

Early Modern Notes (Sharon)

Heo Cwaeth

Hieronimo - ?

Household Opera (Amanda)

Jenny D - ?

Karl the Grouchy Medievalist - ?

La Lecturess


Medieval Woman

My So Called (ABD) Life (Mon)

Penny L. Richards - ?

Phantom Scribbler - ?


Purple Elephant’s Corner

Quod She (Dr. Virago)

Self Portrait As (Holly)

Styley Geek - ?

Swan Dive (Weezy)

And now, without further ado!

The REALLY dead women writers meme (so far...)

Anonymous - The Floure and the Leafe (See Quod She for explanation)

Anonymous - Eliza's Babes or The Virgin's Offering (1652)

Maria Gaetana Agnesi (Italian, 1718-1799) - mathematical and philosophical treatises, including Propositiones Philosophicae (1738) and Analytical Institutions

Andal (Tamil Religious Poet) - ?

Angela of Foligno -

Anne Askew - The Examinations of Anne Askew

Mary Astell - A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, Some Reflections upon Marriage

Jane Austen – Lady Susan, Love and Freindship, etc (like I’d keep HER off?)

Abigail Abbot Bailey - The Memoirs of Abigail Abbot Bailey (1790s)

Martha Ballad - The Diary of Martha Ballard 1785- 1812 (or just read A Midwife’s Tale)

Anna Lætitia Barbauld (1743-1825) - Hymns in Prose for Children

Baudonivia - Vita of Saint Radegund

Aphra Behn - Oroonoko

Frau Ava - "Johannes," "Leben Jesu," "Antichrist," "Das Jüngste Gericht"

Bradstreet, Anne - collected poems

St. Bridget - hymns, Revelations

Fanny Burney - Evelina

Elizabeth Cary – The Tragedy of Mariam

Catherine of Sienna - ?

Margaret Cavendish – The Blazing World, The Atomic Poems

Susanna Centlivre - ?

Christine de Pisan (aka Pizan) – Book of the City of Ladies, Book of the Path of Long Study, Christine's Vision

Anne Clifford - Diary

Mary Collier – The Woman’s Labour

An Collins - Divine Songs and Meditations (1653)

Anna Comnena - The Alexiad

Mary Cooper The Diary of Mary Cooper

Dhuoda- Handbook for William: A Carolingian Woman's Counsel for Her Son (at Sunshine for Women) and a dual-language version from Cambridge UP

Elizabeth Drinker The Diary of Elizabeth Drinker: The Life Cycle of an Eighteenth Century Woman

Maria Edgeworth - ?

Eloise – The Letters of Eloise and Abelard (well, hers, anyways)

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz - Fama y obras póstumas

La Comtessa de Dia - "A chantar m'er" & other Trobairitz poetry

Sarah Fyge Egerton – The Female Advocate

Elizabeth Elstob, The Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue (1715).

'Ephelia' - Female Poems On Several Occasions (c. 1679)

Margaret Fell - Women's Speaking Justified, Proved, and Allowed by the Scriptures (1666)

Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson

Sarah Fielding - ?

Anne Finch - Poems

Hannah W. Foster - The Coquette

Luise Kulmus Gottsched (German, 1713-1762) - plays, poetry, translation

Hadewijch devotional poet (13th century) - ?

Queen Hatshepsut - Speech of the Queen

Mary Hays - ?

Eliza Haywood - The History of Miss Betsey Thoughtless

Mary Sidney Herbert – see Mary Sidney

Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) - Scivias and Liber Divinorum Operum

Hrostvitha of Gandersheim (c.930-c.1002) - Plays Gallicanus & Dulcitius

Eleanor Hull - A Commentary on the Penitential Psalms

Huneberc of Heidenheim's - Hodoeporicon of St. Willibald (8th century, Latin)

Lucy Hutchinson (1620-1681) - Order and Disorder

Mary Jemison - The Diary of Mary Jemison

Julian of Norwich - Revelations of Divine Love

Lady Kasa - ?

Bathsua Makin (1600-1675) - An Essay to Revive the Antient Education of Gentlewomen

Kempe, Margery - The Book of Margery Kempe

Sarah Kemble Knight - The Journal of Madame Knight 1666-1727

Louise Labbe (Labe?) - ?

Lanyer, Aemilia - Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum

Anne Locke (aka Ane Loke, etc) – Meditations of a Penitent Sinner

Leonor Lopez - Autobiography

De la Riviere Manley (Mary De La Riviere Manley) – The Secret History of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians

Marguerite de Navarre - "L'Heptameron"

Marie de France – Lais of Marie de France

Gwerful Mechain - Poems

Mechtild of Magdebourg - The Flowing Light of the Godhead

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu - ?

Murasaki Shikubu - The Tale of Genji

Amelia Opie - ?

The Paston Women - The Paston Letters

Perpetua - Passions of Perpetua and Felicity

Katherine Phillips - Poems

Eliza Lucas Pinckney - The Letterbook of Eliza Lucas Pinckney, 1739-1762

Plumpton family (Dame Anges Plumpton, Dame Isabel Plumpton, Dame Elizabeth de la Pole) - Plumpton Letters

Margaret Porete - Mirror of Simple Souls

Ann Radcliffe - The Mysteries of Udolpho, The Monk

Clara Reeve (English, 1729-1807) - The Old English Baron (1778), The School for Widows (1791)
Veronica Franco Rime (1575) - ?

Robinson, Mary (1758-1800) - Beaux and Belles of England Mrs. Mary Robinson, Written by Herself, With the lives of the Duchesses of Gordon and Devonshire Poems and Sappho and Phaon.

Mary Rowlandson The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (available online)
Susanna Rowson, Charlotte Temple
Sappho - ?

Jane Sharp – The Midwives Book

Frances Sheridan - ?

Sei Shonagon - The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon

Mary Sidney – The Triumph of Death (translation of Petrarch), Psalms

Rachel Speght - Mouzell for Melastomus and Mortalities Memorandum

Gaspara Stampa - ?

Stonor family (Mary Barantyne (sister to William Stonor), Jane Stonor, Elizbeth Stonor, Anne Stonor) - The Stonor Letters

Teresa of Avila - Life

Lucy Terry - "Bar Fights"

Chen Tong, Tan Ze and Qian Yi - The Peony Pavilion: Commentary Edition by Wu Wushan's Three Wives

Trotula - The Diseases of Women

Elizabeth Tudor – Poems, Speeches, Letters

Phillis Wheatley - The Poems of Phillis Wheatley

Isabella Whitney - The Copy of a Letter, lately written in meeter by a yonge Gentilwoman: to her unconstant lover (1567) and A Sweet Nosegay, or Pleasant Posy: Containing a Hundred and Ten Philosophical Flowers (1573)

Betje Wolff (Dutch, 1738-1804) - Historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart (1782)

Mary Wollstonecraft – A Vindication of the Rights of Women

Susanna Wright (1697-1784) – Poems?

Wroth, Lady Mary - Urania, Poems


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Fabulous. hail!

  2. Bardiac--- you rock! Thanks for all your hard work on this!

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Though I had good intentions to get a version up on my blog-thing, I failed. So I'll use this space to toss Elizabeth Cary (The Tragedy of Mariam [1613], The History of the Life, Reign, and Death of Edward II[1627]) into the ring. Not that in my head this is any kind of crazy grudge-match or anything.

    Also, does Jane Anger count, or has she been debunked as a man writing as a woman?

  4. Anonymous5:32 PM

    What an awesome list. I've got another one for you: Vittoria Colonna.

  5. Thanks for all your hard work!

    *tiny voice* You left my name off the contributors.

    History Geek

  6. Thanks for the suggestions, all; I'll work on getting them added when I have more time.

    Meanwhile, History Geek, please accept my apologies. I know you were on my original, but I think I messed up cutting and pasting. Thanks for helping me fix it :)

  7. Thank you for adding me and letting me take part in this meme.

  8. Excellent list, Bardiac! Thanks for pulling it all together.

    Oh, and may I suggest two more works by Marie de France:
    The Fables (beast fables a la Aesop)
    The Purgatory of Saint Patrick (a saint's life/treatise)

  9. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Wow! What a fabulous resource. Thanks so much for starting the meme in the first place and compiling this great list here.

  10. Incredible! Thanks. This is a list worth saving for my daughters.

    Looks to me as if you have the book list for a great new course (or an online book group, hint, hint)

  11. This came from my sister-in-law, who clearly is not an illiterate like me:

    MainMama said...
    American Women Writers Pre 1800s:

    1650s, Anne dudley Bradstreet publishes *The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America, written in "the New World," bestseller in 17th-Century London.

    Mary Rowlandson, 1682 published *Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson*

    1700 Sarah Friske *A Confession of Faith*

    1746 Lucy Terry, first African American poet.

    Phillis Wheatley published poetry in the late 1700s

    Mercy Otis Warren, late 1700s, playwright, poet, historian

    Hannah Adams (1755-1831) called first professional woman writer in US, wrote *Alphabetical Compendium of the Various Sects*.

    Sarah Wentworth Morton is considered the American Sappho

    1790 Judith Sargent Murray published essay "On the Equality of the Sexes."

    Also late 1700s Ana Eliza Bleecker (poet, short stories) and Hannah webster Foster, novelist.

    Her blog is Themamablogs.blogspot.com

  12. Just noticed she IS on there with a differnt spelling of her name.

    Ah well.

  13. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Hi - pls include my list (there's a couple overlaps though now):

    Jane Anger - Jane Anger Her Protection for Women (1589)
    Moderata Fonte (Modesta da Pozzo) - Il merito delle donne (Woman’s Worth) (1600)
    Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle - The Convent of Pleasure (1668)
    Mary Astell - A Serious Proposal to the Ladies (1694)
    Catherine Macaulay - Letters on Education (1790) and History of England, 8 vols. (1763-1783)


  14. Fun to contribute--you can link me back now, if you want to, too. And while I'm here, a couple Canadian women for you:

    Frances Moore Brooke (English, 1724-1789, pseudonym "Mary Singleton, Spinster"), editor of _The Old Maid_ (1755-56), wrote poems, a play, libretti, translations; while in Canada, wrote _The History of Emily Montague_ (1769), an epistolary novel

    Marie Morin (Quebecois, 1659-1730), first Canadian nun, wrote her memoirs as the annals of the Hotel-Dieu

  15. Hi all,

    I'm back, and will pull things together for a full post tomorrow sometime, assuming it's not gorgeous enough for me to want to take a REALLY long ride!

  16. Hey,

    Fun Meme! I would certainly add Dorothy Osborne - Love Letters to Sir William Temple

