Sunday, April 16, 2006

Another bit of lousy pharmacy news

Here's a hat tip to A Day in the Life of a Radical Pharmacy Owner who posted an article from Seattle about "More Immoral Pharmacists." The original article's here in a Seattle paper called The Stranger.

So, Cedar Rivers Clinics which provides abortions and women's health services has filed a complaint with the Washington State Department of Health because some pharmacies are refusing to fill prescriptions for their patients for antibiotics.

Radical Pharmacy Owner has an interesting take, including some issues I wouldn't have thought about. Radical Pharmacy Owner suggests contacting the Washington State Board of Pharmacy.

Here's the mailing address:

Washington State Department of Health
Health Professions Quality Assurance
P.O. Box 47865
Olympia WA 98504-7865

You can also find board members' names and such on the website.

I'm so tired of this sort of BS, even though I have a feeling it's really just beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Thanks for the link. I hope that people will start calling the boards of pharmacy. In most states, the boards are trying to ignore the issue. Our national organization has come out agianst these types of actions and so should the boards.
