Friday, June 03, 2011


I was all jealous of Inktopia's bloglist, and then she (I think) told me how to do it. But to do it, I needed to update my template.

So, what do you think? Is this readable?

If you want to be added to the exciting new bloglist, let me know, please. I reserve the right not to add anyone who is primarily advertising, especially for stuff I find unpalatable (like for-profit education).


  1. I like the new look. And I'd love for my blog to be added to your blogroll:

    And I promise, no ads. =)

  2. Quite readable, though I often read in my RSS feed, then just click-through on the comment link!

  3. Very readable and easy on my autistic eyes. I wouldn't mind being included, too: No advertisement at all at my blog. There is a lot of bashing of for-profit education models, though. :-)

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Hooray! It's so shiny! Great job.

    You can, if you like, go back to your old template (go to Design then click Edit Html at the top left just under the tabs...then scroll all the way down to the bottom (past Edit Template) and you'll see Old Templates as a choice...beneath that, click Select Layout Template, which brings up the old ones--you were using Minima).

    Yeah, I spend way too much time playing around with Blogger, obviously. ;)

    But this looks fabulous!

  5. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Oh, and you can move your About Me to the top if you want--go back to Design then on the side of the layout where you add Gadgets, just grab and rearrange your gadgets through the magic and rearranging (seems like there would be a term for that but I can't think of one). It always puts your "newest" gadget first, but you can play with the order.

    Congrats and hooray for new blog looks.

  6. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I like it. The font is easier to read than your old one. Something with the spacing.

  7. Very readable. And I'd love to be on the exciting new blog list:

  8. I like the new look, though my (aging) eyes would probably like a slightly larger font size (i.e. a point larger). But the font is clear and the layout lovely.

  9. I love the new look! And would be happy to be included on the list (Crunchy Although those little dates on the list remind me I must post more!
