Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I like the way there's a bit of blur and then the orange sort of pops there. (This is with my new macro lens. I'm having fun, but driving all my friends nuts with constant pictures of crocuses. I hope the other flowers get fun soon.)

I had a phone interview today with someone from our campus international student services office about acting as a host "family" for an international student next year. We had a nice conversation. Now they have to check my references, and then they'll make their decisions. I think it could be fun and challenging to be a host "family" for an international student, but my heart's not set on it. I won't be heartbroken if they say no.


  1. Flowers always have the most beautiful color combos, don't they? That pop of orange is really gorgeous.

  2. it is a gorgeous photo!

    how are you feeling about the hosting inquiry? i think you would be such an excellent "host family" for some lucky student. how long would it be?

  3. I think there's a lot of potential for it being a really good exprerience.

    There's a short (3 day) homestay, before the international students move into the dorms, and then it's more just being available and maybe getting together occasionally.

  4. heck, that is totally manageable. fun, even! i haven't really pursued this kind of thing, fearing that we aren't ready for someone in the home for months on end. days or even a couple weeks, we could do. hmm.
