Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Not Sanguine

I've been looking at drafts of my seniors' final essays, and I am not sanguine. (I do, however, like the word "sanguine" an awful lot, though when I first encountered it, I thought it couldn't be good. You know, usually "bloody" isn't a good thing, though having blood inside is important, and keeping it there is way better than having it run all out. I think my original misapprehension has a lot to do with why I like the word now.)

I hope my students are fruitfully panicked by my responses; they'll have 7 days after I hand back my quick responses. Seven days isn't very long to write a decent essay, not really.

But I really, really do NOT want to read a bunch of bad essays!


  1. i have the same drudgery before me next week. some will be interesting. sadly, i suspect, most will be bad. it's been that kind of semester.

  2. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I got a stack of 'em today. I wish I could give quick slashes and get them rewritten, because these are from the same class that I wrote about in my own blog a while back.

    Of course, the *first* slash would need to be through the assignment itself, to make it a better one for their thoughts. Good luck!
