Monday, February 09, 2015

Student Time / Faculty Time

I usually check my email on the ipod while I'm still in bed, as part of the turning off the wake up alarm process.   This morning, I checked it just before 6am, and found an email a student had sent at about 2am.

I think that's pretty much how student / faculty time works.

The only thing is, the student sent me an email before dawn on Monday, asking for a meeting early Monday, but not at one specific hour, and I'm guessing zie is not going to get back to me about which of the two time/places I can meet until after one of them has passed.  I may be wrong; students often do with less sleep than I can, for sure. 

But really, I don't feel too guilty since the student probably figured out the basics well before the predawn hours of Monday, and could have sent an email on Saturday sometime.


  1. One amusing side-effect of students submitting their work online is that I get a time-stamp for all assignments. Suddenly the yawning face in my class makes sense when I see that they uploaded their paper at 4:37 in the morning. These were revelations we never had in the pre-digital world!

  2. Not me! I frequently send/return emails between 1 and 2 a.m. (though sometimes, if it's to a student or a class, I stop to consider whether I want them to see that I'm awake at that hour. . . and may decide to save it to send later).

    But I, too, basically think of these as student hours--which is why I'm always astonished when a (traditional-aged, childless) student mentions how hard night classes are for her, since she's normally asleep by 9.30, or that she goes running every morning at 6 a.m.

    1. Yep, my schedule doesn't work for all faculty, nor does my student's work for all students.
