Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Is it a Play, or is it Real Life?

I was prepping a play for today, and then had to look up some dates.  Guess which comes first, the chicken or the egg?


  1. Stumped on this one. Clearly, I need to learn more about early Tudor drama.

  2. A hint :) This is Jacobean, and comes after Volpone

  3. Ah. I assumed the real-life thing you were referring to involved Anne of Cleves, so I guess I was pretty far off...

  4. Really? Did H8 claim he couldn't, but only couldn't with her? (I guess I always thought he said he didn't want to?) (I figure, AoC sort of won in the H8 wives thing.)

    And this one's MUCH more scandalous!

  5. I may be fuzzy about the details in regard to H8. Going to offer up Frances Howard as my second guess, now that you've said it's Jacobean and scandalous.

  6. This seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. Maddening!

  7. Yes, good job on Frances Howard! She's part of the real life scandal. Now, about the play? With a male character who's advised to claim impotence in order to get a divorce.

    1. And the whole Frances Howard, Somerset, Overbury scandal is one of my very favorite scandals. I bet I was the only person that whole day I went to the tower who was excited to see where Overbury died.
