Friday, November 23, 2012

The Secret Life of a Professor

I hope all the USians out there had a lovely Thanksgiving!  I hope the Native Americans out there forgive us intruders.

I'm interrupting the discussion of job searching.  If you have ideas for other things to talk about, I'd be glad to hear.  I'm thinking of talking a bit about campus visits, but I have to mull.  I can't bear the thought of talking about MLA, but perhaps it would be helpful to some?

Meanwhile, I'm going to have three more days without classes or committee meetings!  Three days! 

Yesterday was beautiful.  I cleaned the front yard up pretty much.  It needed it!  I took two wheelbarrows full of dead plant stuff and dumped it into the greenspace behind my house.  (It's on my property, and will be mulch once spring hits.)

I also graded two papers.

I have 18 more papers in that stack.

Then I have 20 abstracts and annotated bibliographies.

Then I have assorted small assignments, probably 10, that I need to grade.

And finally, I have a big committee report to work on.

And there we are: the secret life of a professor is...  grading, endless grading and committee work.

And when that's done, I need to work on my SAA paper.  I have the barest beginnings of an idea I like, but I need to flesh it out and do some reading.

And then I need to rework and submit a paper I did for a recent conference.

I'm getting some cat therapy at some point, and need to stop at the local co-op to get some coffee.  I'd like to stop and get some grocery type stuff at the aiming circle store, but I dare not go near.

And for the next month, I will avoid approaching my neighborhood from one direction no matter what.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Will be grading all day tomorrow and Sunday. But SAA is along time from now, right? Please? That's my Christmas break....

  3. SAA IS a long, LONG ways away, really! But with my teaching load, it's never long enough away for me.

    (We should get together, though!)
